There have been parents who have coached their children into great athletes but, from my observation, many of these relationships seem unhealthy.
You need to find the right coach that fits your child and then let them do their job.
You should be a positive support to your young athlete. Be the person that they can come to, to express their feelings and needs. Be there for them during their wins and their losses.
Ultimately, you are the most important person and role model in their lives. They look up to you and want your approval. You be the parent, let the coach be the coach!

I can I find a good coach for my daughter.
I like the link and then click on the tab Find A Pro. The USPTA is the United States Professional Tennis Association. Pros who are affiliated have to take a skills test and a written test and pass. Its a good place to start. Beyond that my criteria would be to make sure the pro has teaching skills, makes the lesson fun for my child, takes an interest in the development of my child and has a positive attitude. You don’t want a coach who just feeds balls for an hour a week, collects his money and goes home. Also, the best players, in my experience don’t always make the best teachers. Hope this helps!