What do you do when you want your child to be this great athlete and keep them on the right path towards success?
I was that child that wanted to go to the movies and walk to the pizza hut ogling the older boy I had a massive crush on but I had to get up early the next morning to practice tennis. I knew I had to make a choice and ultimately having goals and sticking to them made me a successful tennis player with more self-confidence as a person.
I do think you can be a great athlete, a successful student, and a good kid while having some fun. Really watch your child, get to know their moods, and check in with them to see if they are happy!
It is really important in life to find that inner happiness. Take a day and do something away from their sport that they pick. Take their friends to an amusement park, let them eat cotton candy and ride the rollercoaster until they puke! (I used to do that, well not the cotton candy part but I would ride the rollercoaster and upside down rides until I would throw up! Yeah, I don’t have a stop button!!!)